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Everything posted by ChillyDog

  1. No. NO. Look again, there is a giant sloth weasel sneaking up on the guy!!
  2. How about adding a Team Practice time(s) for Age of Wushu. Perhaps two 10 minute practices separated by a five minute break? 19:00 and 19:15 on Tuesdays, for example.
  3. What was really freaky about it was the giant sloth weasel sneaking up on him!
  4. Make a shortcut to cmd.exerun as administrator type ipconfig /flushdns hit enter Clear cache in browser ???? PROFIT! Rob, I did run this on my PC and DNS server. You can get through then not get through. You may want to check with your ISP as to their DNS settings. As CompDude mentioned there is an issue with the two DNS addresses listed.
  5. Perhaps there was something to all those "Chinese Hacker" comments that were flying around?... [-X
  6. 22,557, but I did use Bing and Google. http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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%3D
  7. http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/soogaming.com says that it is up. ???
  8. Cleared cache, still a no go to the website, cannot ping. Resolves to
  9. a legal waiver does not protect them from negligance. It is not a license to goof off, and if someone was killed their heirs would have a legal course even if a waiver was signed.
  10. It ain't free, but I have had good luck on ebay buying SC on discount. Price usually runs about 1/3 the original cost. Don't by from Europe unless you are running on a European server.
  11. ChillyDog


    computerdude This is why my passwords for critical access bring authentication servers to their knees occasionally. I use so many special characters that occasionally one turns into a line of executable code, not to mention the amount of time needed to brute force one would take a cloud supercomputer nearly a year. G⌂üd~ idéâäà╜·‼
  12. Thanks N. I think so too, & not just because of this site's name. If we can prevent just one, ahem, "incident" I feel like we've done our job.
  13. Very similar - but not quite the same, perhaps a newer model? http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/p-16767-burnished-silver-keys-necklace.aspx
  14. I was unemployeed about ten years ago for about 9 months, when the company I worked for went under. It was awful & depressing. I am a good employee but a horrible job seeker. I took a job for about half of what I was making - same as unemployment was paying, I figured that I could find a new job when I had a job. They liked me, gave me some great raises and I am still working for them still. During the time that I was unemployed I had to focus and work at staying scheduled and on task, getting up in the morning, looking for work, exercise, get to bed at a decent hour. Work is good.
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fkaq6jm16u2vxmn/G_y8yW2Wzr Ymmmmm
  16. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/51248766/ns/health-mens_health/t/zip-related-genital-injuries-send-thousands-men-er-each-year/#.UUmgNVs4XcQ
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